2024/25 Application Instructions

  1. Please complete the application in full. (Incomplete applications will be deemed ineligible.)
  2. Indicate “NA” (not applicable) when necessary.
  3. If your form does not submit successfully, please review your responses to ensure all required fields (*) are complete/valid.
  4. Contact a Student Advisor at your nearest campus if you have any questions.
  5. This online application will not auto-save, so please complete in full all at once.



Personal Information

Address During Your Program of Study (if different from Permanent Address):

Voluntary Information

This information is voluntary and may determine eligibility for some scholarships and bursaries.

Program Information

If you indicated Adult Basic Education, please indicate the number of courses you are taking at Southeast College in each trimester.

Academic Standing

Please be advised that your grades for the current academic year will be evaluated as part of the recipient selection process. Recipients must be in good academic standing at the time of the awards presentations.

Financial Need

Living Status


Program Location

Monthly Income (Gross) - Your gross income is the amount of money you earn before anything is taken out for taxes or other deductions.

Other Income (Gross)

Extra Curricular Activities

Please include up to 3 volunteer and/or community activities you are involved in while attending Southeast College:

Volunteer & Community Involvement Activity #1

Volunteer & Community Involvement Activity #2

Volunteer & Community Involvement Activity #3

Classroom Leadership

Scholarships and Bursaries with Additional Criteria

Please provide the following additional information if you would like to be considered for any of the awards below.

Any additional information you'd like to share



A new anti-spam law came into effect July 1, 2014 in Canada, we now need your consent to contact you:

I hereby consent to Southeast College sending me program related information, notifications, invitations and etc. via e-mail, text or other electronic means. I understand that I can change my preferences and unsubscribe from receiving such materials at any time.

The information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Regional Colleges Act 1988 and the Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LAFOIP). The information is used for administrative and statistical purposes by Southeast College and/or Ministries and Agencies of the Saskatchewan Government and the Government of Canada. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information please contact the Southeast College Education Foundation.

I hereby certify that all the information on this form is true and complete.  I understand that false information may result in the cancellation of my status as an eligible student award recipient.

I hereby consent to providing Southeast College with my SIN number. By consenting, this allows Southeast College to issue your scholarship/bursary payment in a timely manner.

If I am selected as a recipient,

  • Southeast College may use my name and/or photograph for publicity and/or promotional events in connection with Southeast College student awards.
  • Southeast College may provide my contact information to the donor/sponsor of my award(s).
  • Southeast College may withhold payment if I no longer qualify for an award for any reason.

Required Field