Book an appointment with a Southeast College Student Advisor online! It is simple and fast.

In order to make it easy for students to reach our Student Advisors for assistance, Southeast College has implemented an online booking system.

Simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Identify the Student Advisor location that is most convenient for you
  2. Choose the amount of time you would like for your initial consultation – 30 or 60 minute consultation sessions are available in all locations
  3. Choose the date and time you would like to book
  4. Add your contact details to the form and click “Book”
  5. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address that was provided. The email sent will also give the option to reschedule, cancel or create a new booking appointment.
  6. Prepare for your meeting!

If you have any questions, Southeast College staff would be happy to assist you at any of our campus locations or you can reach us by phone at 1-866-999-7372.

Note: Appointments with Student Advisors are available in person, virtual or telephone. 

Student Advisor Locations

Assiniboia Campus – Student Advisor

Estevan Campus – Student Advisor

Moosomin Campus – Student Advisor

Weyburn Campus – Student Advisor

Whitewood Campus – Student Advisor

Cowessess First Nation – Southeast College – Student Advisor

Kahkewistahaw First Nation – Southeast College – Student Advisor

Ochapowace First Nation – Southeast College – Student Advisor

Piapot (Valley) First Nation – Southeast College – Student Advisor

White Bear – Southeast College – Student Advisor