Thank you to all of our donors. Your contributions make a real difference in the lives of our students.
Special thanks to our current scholarship and bursary donors:
Barber Motors
Carlyle Lions Club
City of Estevan
City of Weyburn
Estevan Lions Club
Fire Sky Energy
Kingston Midstream
Kipling Lions Club
Maryfield District Lions Club
Mentors ‘n Manicures
Moose Mountain Knights of Columbus
Pharmasave Moosomin
Power Dodge
Prairie Sky Co-op Association Ltd.
Quota International of Estevan
Quota International of Weyburn
Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show
Sharpe’s Crop Services
Souris Valley Paving
Southeast College Board of Governors
Southeast College Staff
Southern Document Solutions Inc.
Southern Industrial & Truck
Southland Co-op
The Circle F Grain, Hay and Livestock Farm Ltd.
Town of Moosomin
Town of Whitewood
Weyburn Ag Society
Weyburn Credit Union
Weyburn OTS Oilwomen
Weyburn RE/MAX
Weyburn Rotary Club
Weyburn Security
Weyburn YF Wives
Young Fellows Club of Weyburn

Prairie Sky Coop strives to support students in attaining their goals of post-secondary education. We feel that skills development is a building block for community development. Ensuring our population has the education to succeed will be returned to the community in the form of economic growth, improved quality of life, and overall physical and mental wellbeing of our citizens