Healthy Campus Update Fall 2022

August 31, 2022

Guidelines for Creating a Healthy Campus

  1. For your continued safety, hand sanitization stations are located at the front door of each facility as well as strategic locations throughout the campus. Students are expected to follow the sanitation guidelines as provided by Saskatchewan Health Authority and the Government of Saskatchewan. Posters outlining this information can be found in all campus locations.
  2. Southeast College is a mask friendly environment. Students, staff and visitors are encouraged to wear a mask if they choose.
  3. Student Lounge areas including refreshment, snack, water fountains and bottle fill stations will be open and available for students to utilize. Please follow all Saskatchewan Health Authority and Government of Saskatchewan sanitization guidelines if you choose to use these amenities.
  4. All washrooms and touchable surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized at least twice daily.
  5. All classrooms and labs will be sanitized daily. Each room will be equipped with sanitizing stations that will include sanitizing spray and clean wipe down cloths. Students are encouraged to wipe down their personal items, equipment, desks, etc. at the start and end of each day.

Southeast College continues to follow the guidelines and recommendations as set forth by the Government of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Health Authority. If at any time any of the above items change or additional information is added, Southeast College will communicate to its students, staff and the public in a timely manner. If you have any Health and Safety related questions while you are on campus, please contact your local Campus Manager.

Updated COVID – 19 Information
Source –

Self-Manage – Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 should self-isolate immediately at home or in another suitable environment, regardless of your vaccination status. It is recommended that you self-isolate for five days from the date of test or 24 hours since any fever has resolved without the aid of fever-reducing medications and all other symptoms are improving for at least 48 hours, whichever is later.

Up to 10 days after testing positive, continue to reduce exposures to others by distancing, wearing a mask, practicing respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene and limiting contacts especially with people at high risk for severe disease (older, immune compromised, etc.) and settings with people at high risk such as visiting long term care.

COVID-19 testing and isolation guidelines for Saskatchewan residents have recently been updated.

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you can assume you have COVID-19 and likely the Omicron variant. You do not need to be tested by PCR to confirm, and you should use an at-home rapid test, which are available for free at 600+ locations in the province. If you don’t get tested, stay home and away from other people until your symptoms get better. If you test negative on a rapid test but you still have symptoms, stay home and away from other people until you feel better, even if you have multiple negative rapid tests.

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