This is your chance to participate!
February 17, 2017Dear Community Stakeholders,
Southeast College is here to serve learners with classes and programs that are community‐based. Please review the following request for information from yourself and/or with your colleagues, organization or membership so that the College may serve your community to its fullest potential.
Southeast College is looking for your input.
Southeast College supports a region that encompasses over 70 communities spread throughout 20,000 square kilometers in southeast Saskatchewan. The College is continually gathering ideas and interests from stakeholders in order to assess and offer opportunities to the community which are important, relevant and timely. From cooking Thai cuisine to tiling a bathroom or summer camps for children to a Master’s program, we are looking for ideas and interests from all ages.
Is there any interest or training that you, your organization or your membership are looking for?
Supporting communities and people is our priority.
The College supports communities and community‐based groups by providing opportunities for individual and community development. Our activities focus on the needs and interests of learners and the client groups that we serve. For example, our Heavy Equipment Operator program partners with municipalities to complete necessary infrastructure projects so that students can learn while important work gets done for the partnering city, town or rural municipality.
Does your organization have any resources or projects that could assist training initiatives?
We believe in the power of learning.
Through partnerships with post‐secondary institutions, Southeast College delivers a variety of interest, career and academic programs. We rely on the talents, skills and experience of local individuals to instruct our courses and pass on their knowledge to others.
What skills and experience do you possess as a potential instructor for the College?
We want to hear from you.
The College would like to hear from you – our community stakeholders. Contact us with your feedback or suggestions by email at or by phoning your nearest Southeast College Campus Manager.
We look forward to hearing from you!